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Tolkien, J: Fellowship of the Ring (Media Tie-In)


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Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um keine Chest of Fandoms Sonderausgabe und hat somit keinen Farbschnitt

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Begin your journey to Middle-earth. The inspiration for the upcoming original series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The first part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic adventure The Lord of the Rings. The dark, fearsome Ringwraiths are searching for a Hobbit. Frodo Baggins knows that they are seeking him and the Ring he bears–the Ring of Power that will enable evil Sauron to destroy all that is good in Middle-earth. Now it is up to Frodo and his faithful servant, Sam, with a small band of companions, to carry the Ring to the one place it can be destroyed: Mount Doom, in the very center of Sauron’s realm.


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