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The Fragile Threads of Power

Autoren: V. E. Schwab


Enthält 7% MwSt.
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Lieferzeit: ca. 2-3 Werktage
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Bitte beachten:
Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um keine Chest of Fandoms Sonderausgabe und hat somit keinen Farbschnitt


Rhy Maresh is king of a city alive with conspiracy. Lila and Kell sail as pirates, livingthe freedom of the waves. But Kell is cursed, to never be able to use magic again.Kosika rules White London. But her magic calls on familiar spirits, even all the wayto Black London. And a young woman with a knack for fixing broken things comesacross a stolen, powerful artefact – one that people will kill to get back…


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