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The Notebook


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Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um keine Chest of Fandoms Sonderausgabe und hat somit keinen Farbschnitt


Once again, just as I do every day, I begin to read the notebook aloud…Noah Calhoun has returned from war and, in an attempt to escape the ghosts of battle, he sets his mind and his body to restoring an old plantation home to its former beauty.But he is haunted by memories of the beautiful girl he met there years before. A girl who stole his heart at the funfair, whose parents didn’t approve, a girl he wrote to every day for a year.When Allie Hamilton shows up on his doorstep, exactly as he has held her in his memory for all these years, Noah has one last chance to win her back. Only this time, it’s not just her parents in the way – Allie is engaged and she’s not a woman to go back on her promises. The Notebook is the love story to end all love stories – it will break your heart, heal it back up and break it all over again. ‚When it comes to tales about love, Nicholas Sparks is one of the undisputed kings‘ Heat ‚This one won’t leave a dry eye‘ Daily Mirror


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